Don’t Let the Bus Catch You!


She could have gone faster; I know it. Yet, she stayed by my side and finished next to me. That’s my daughter, Amy! I am extremely grateful for her and for our relationship. We spent 4 months training together through rain, snow, freezing weather, sickness, and injuries, along with our normal everyday activities, in preparation for the Coastal Delaware Running Festival marathon. Now race day was here. 

Amy, inspiring me step by step.

Around mile 11 we spotted our family. My granddaughter, Adina, held up a sign that said, “Don’t Let the Bus Catch You! Go Go Go”. The marathon had a time limit, and yes, there is a bus that picks up runners who don’t make cut-off times at certain points. If they refuse to get on the bus, their race bib is removed, and they’re officially withdrawn from the race! There’s also a “sweeper” pacer who runs at the slowest qualifying pace. Our aim was to beat the sweeper and beat the bus. 

Adina, Dave, and Senna encouraging us along the way.

Senna, my other granddaughter, also held up encouragement, Taylor Swift style. Both my husband and son-in-law had signs, as well. My son, Dan, helped us out by taking care of our dogs so we could stay in Rehoboth the night before to be ready for the 7am start time. My family is incredible, and I love and appreciate them so much. They make life rich! We are all meant to enjoy life with others. God designed us for family and community. It’s a lot easier not to let the bus catch you when you don’t go it alone. 

The finish line.

We did make all 26.2 miles in time and are official marathon finishers! Afterward, another runner asked when our next marathon would be. My immediate answer was never! The plan for me all along was just once. However, we do already have our sights set on a half-marathon in November. Maybe we’ll even follow the advice on my husband, Mike’s sign, which said “Must Go Faster”.

“Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

“Solitary was teaching me that it was not possible to be rich alone.”

– Corrie Ten Boom

A Strange Gift


It’s all because a robin was sitting on our fence post, eyeing up the yard, as my husband, Mike, stared him down. This was the morning of Mike’s birthday, and he declared he knew what he wanted. The next thing I knew we were on our way to Home Depot to buy lumber.

Together we fastened some blocks of wood as barriers to potential nesting spots under our deck. Okay, so I mostly held the ladder and handed tools to Mike while he created barricades to prevent nest building. 

Mike’s birthday gift.

You may think that was mean of us, but it was actually kind. We have two dogs who frequently go tearing out the door onto the deck, yelping loudly, and racing down the steps. Under our deck is not a peaceful place to raise a family! It is kind to us, too, as we have a swing under the deck and would prefer not to have it decorated with bird droppings. 

I can think of many strange gifts I’ve received, times in my life when I didn’t get what I wanted and later was really grateful. Like a house we thought was the perfect one for us, but it wasn’t. Like a job I applied for and didn’t get. Like falling down and learning how to get up again. And so on and on…

Mike’s birthday wasn’t all work, by the way. We enjoyed some birthday cake and the satisfaction of knowing that the robin will find a much better place to make his home. What strange gift have you gotten lately?

Senna and Adina helping celebrate G-dad’s birthday.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight. Don’t be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. This will be healing for your body and strengthening for your bones.” (Proverbs 3:5-8)

“Let God do His will, and He will do what’s best for you.” – Charles Spurgeon

A Sideline View


It is a carefully designed plan, building week by week in preparation for the big day. I’ve enjoyed crossing off each mini-goal achieved and the growing number of X’s. Then unexpectedly the training came to a halt for me a few weeks ago, hopefully a temporary one. 

My daughter, Amy, and I started preparing back in December for the Coastal Delaware Running Festival marathon next month. We’ve been running longer and longer distances and doing cross training, but then I developed an injury that sidelined me. 

My husband, Mike, always has the best finish line photos!

I am hopeful to jump back in and finish preparing very soon. In the meantime, I’ve been trying to enjoy the sideline view. Sometimes our plans take detours; sometimes our plans change; sometimes our plans fail. That is why it is such good news to trust in God and His plans.

A family 5K!

This week I hope to pick up where I left off and add more X’s to my training schedule. As I do, I know there is something to be learned from every situation. Perseverance and patience are just two of the lessons I’m in the midst of right now. What have you been learning from your view? 

Here are a few more views along the way from various runs…

“God – his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is pure. He is a shield to all who take refuge in him.” (Psalm 18:30)

“The Lord has shown Himself to be a true helper. His name is Shaddai, the all-sufficient God. So let us live in close fellowship with Him, drawing daily from His well.”

– Charles Spurgeon

The Ladder in the Woods


A decision had to be made, and my granddaughter, Adina, chose to turn left. It was a good choice. Much to our surprise, a few steps further along the trail we came upon a ladder propped up against a tree. It didn’t lead to a treehouse or anything. It was just there in the woods. Adina looked at me, and I said, “Go ahead; climb up!” She excitedly scrambled up and told me everything she could see from her new perch. Don’t you just love hidden joys like that?

Throwback to my granddaughters tree climbing at Grandad’s.

Once Mike and I were hiking with our dogs in Eagles Mere, Pennsylvania, when we rounded a bend and surprised a stunning bald eagle into flight. I think there are hidden joys and surprises all around. A text from my older granddaughter, Senna. Raindrops hanging like glittering jewels on trees. A smile from a passerby. A hot cup of tea on a cold night. And so on!

What hidden joys have you discovered lately?  I hope you discover the greatest joy of all, Jesus. It’s still a mystery as to who placed the ladder in the woods, but I hope everyone who stumbles upon it will climb up and enjoy the view!

“You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures.” (Psalm 16:11)

“Reflect on your present blessings – of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”

                                                                                   – Charles Dickens

On the trail with Mike, Kaylee, and Zoey in Eagles Mere, Pennsylvania.

Leave It!


Pink post it notes, carpet, a wiffle ball, tissues, socks, a toy sheep’s leg, the button on boxer shorts, a duplo Lego, and poisonous mushrooms. What do all of these have in common? These are just some of the items that our dog, Zoey, has eaten. 

Zoey with something she’s actually allowed to have.

If I’m with her and see her about to eat something, I say, “Leave it!”. She does, most of the time. She needs someone to keep her accountable. I’m the same way. I don’t try to eat the carpet, but I do other foolish things. I’m thankful when someone is willing to speak up and keep me going the right direction. 

Right now, my daughter, Amy, is helping me tremendously, as we are training to run a marathon. It’s been fun planning together and keeping each other updated on our progress. She is such a great encouragement to me and definitely helps keep me on track! Tomorrow will be the greatest distance I’ve ever gone – 15 miles. I am so grateful that I will be running with Amy and not on my own!

Amy and me at the Coastal Delaware Running Festival half marathon in November, 2021.

Thankfully, Zoey has survived all of her culinary adventures. I don’t know if her habit of eating absolutely anything will ever be broken. In the meantime, I will keep watch and continue working on teaching her and holding her accountable. Who is holding you accountable, and who are you helping in the same way?

“Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4)

“True friendship is God’s editor, chipping away at my old self and cheering on the new.”– Steve West

My son, Dan, with Zoey and Kaylee.

Flying Trees and Forgiveness


It was flying straight towards me at an impressive altitude and speed. Thankfully, I was able to slam on the brakes, and the Christmas tree landed about a foot in front of my car. Next, the car ahead of me stopped, and a woman jumped out and started running back towards me, saying, “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry!”

I’m very glad her Christmas tree was smaller than the one at Rockefeller Center!

Immediately I assured her that I was fine. Now believe me, I don’t always react this kindly. This was a great reminder to treat each other generously. Let’s be quick to forgive and gracious. One definition of an accident is: “any event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate plan or cause”. This lady certainly didn’t intend to send that tree flying off her car roof at me!

A Christmas tree from the past (with Adina, Senna, and Uncle Danny).

After convincing her that no harm was done, we moved the tree off to the side of the road. I kept my car in place with the blinkers on while she secured it, and then I confirmed once more that all was well before we went our separate ways.

My favorite Christmas tree (aka my daughter, Amy) adding so much fun to the holiday shop, with Senna and me.

Who will you show grace and forgiveness to today? God is always so gracious and generous with us, after all!

“But I have trusted in your faithful love; my heart will rejoice in your deliverance. I will sing to the Lord because he has treated me generously.” Psalm 13:5-6

Let’s treat each other generously!

Wiggly And Waggly


If I simply look at her, her tail starts going back and forth in wide swooshes. Our dog, Zoey, has a perpetually wagging tail. Many times I hear her tail thump, thump, thumping against the wall when she’s asleep in her bed. She wags her tail widely and a lot!

Kaylee, our other dog, also wags her tail, but not nearly as often and in more of a quivering motion. If she’s extra happy and excited, her tail may swish back and forth a whole few inches in a little wiggle. 

Mike, my husband, with our granddaughters and the pups at Nottingham County Park.

Some of us are wiggly and others are waggly, meaning some are more expressive than others. The same emotions happening on the inside can appear quite differently on the outside. The point is not to make assumptions based on a wiggle or waggle. Let’s give each other space to respond the way we are designed; don’t expect others to react like you would.  

God made each of us so wonderfully and just as He planned! He created male and female in His image. Together we are a beautiful picture of His design for life, both wiggly and waggly. 

When you look at those around you, always remember they are made in the image of God.

So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female. Genesis 1:27

My son, Dan, with Senna, Adina, Kaylee, and Zoey (each unique and each dearly loved).

What’s Your Pace?


She walked extremely fast, at all times. I remember as a kid trying to keep up with my mom’s pace. In her much later years, her pace slowed a lot. Finally, I was slowing down for her to keep up with me, and I did so gladly, enjoying every moment spent with her.

Our pace varies in life, and this is good and necessary. Are you running right now or leisurely walking? Go ahead and slow down at times, and sprint all out at times, but keep going!

The most important thing is whose company you keep as you amble or run along. Amazingly, the Lord invites us to walk with Him! He never leaves us behind and seems to graciously match His pace to ours, tenderly leading us, if we only allow Him to. 

I will always treasure memories of walks with my mom. She is now in heaven with the Lord, and when I do see her again, I hope I’ll be able to keep up!

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have what I need.

He lets me lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside quiet waters.

He renews my life;

He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake.”

(Psalm 23:1-3)

I am a sinner, saved by grace

One day I’ll see my Savior’s face

From glory to glory He sets my pace

Praise from a sinner, saved by grace

One of the last photos I have of my mom. She could no longer walk, but remained steadfast in her faith and joy in Jesus.

Another Walk


I love walking! This time it was about 3.5 miles through a beautifully wooded county park, and I was all by myself. As I savored the sights and sounds of towering trees, gurgling creeks, and turkey buzzards against the backdrop of a bright blue sky, I thought to myself, “God is enough”. People like to say you are enough, but I can’t say that is accurate. Please let me explain. 

You and I are wonderfully made, dearly loved, and precious, for sure. We are wonderfully made – by God, dearly loved – by God, and precious – to God. If you look within yourself, you will find that God has “put eternity in your heart”. What I mean is that we were designed by God for a relationship with Him.

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse proclaims the work of His hands. Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge.” Will you listen? I encourage you to turn from yourself and to God. Look at His wonderful creation; read His word. Both are written to you. 

If you want to know more, here is a great resource from the Billy Graham Evangelistic association:

As you get to take your next walk, I hope that you will also realize that God is enough. You never really have to walk alone.

“The instruction of the Lord is perfect, renewing one’s life; the testimony of the Lord is trustworthy, making the inexperienced wise.” Psalm 19:7

God is enough.

Baking Bread & Catching Fly Balls


It was a strike, then another, then another. My husband, Mike, was so excited. We needed a pitcher for our softball game that night, and he had asked me to give it a try. After those first few beautiful pitches, the truth revealed itself. I am not a pitcher. I didn’t come anywhere near the strike zone. I was fine with that, because I loved chasing down fly balls in the outfield and backing up those around me.

Each of us is unique and uniquely gifted. Every single person is made in the image of God and is smart. Kathy Koch has a terrific book called “8 Great Smarts”. It details the different types of smart and how we need to recognize and encourage these traits in children. I’d say we should recognize them in other adults and ourselves, too!

Have you heard of Mattithiah, the firstborn of Shalom the Korahite? He was entrusted with baking the bread. (1 Chronicles 9:31) It seems that he was smart at baking. He used this to serve and glorify God. As J.I. Packer wrote, “Seek grace to work hard at whatever life calls you to do, and enjoy your work as you do it.”

What are you entrusted with? How will you use your smarts? We did find a pitcher for that softball game. This was quite a while ago, and I don’t remember if we won or lost. I do know we each enjoyed playing our particular role and using our smarts. 

“Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.” (1 Peter 4:10)

You are unique and uniquely gifted!